Here’s How I Teach You Legalese

As you know, learning legalese doesn’t happen overnight. And if you read my last blog post, then you also know it’s hard to find resources that teach you to read, write, and speak legalese. 

I’m committed to teaching legalese because I hail from the “teach a person to fish” school of thought. I think teaching someone how is more powerful than doing it for them. So I break legalese down for you step-by-step, sentence-by-sentence so you can learn how to read it, write it, and speak it for yourself.

This ultimately makes you a savvier business person and a more discerning consumer of legal services, both of which are important. 

So how exactly do I teach you legalese?

I create a customized legal reference guide for you that you can use repeatedly. 

Here’s how it works:

#1: You send me a contract that you need help with. It can be one you’re currently negotiating, a template contract you’re putting together to use in your work, or a contract that’s already been signed, but there’s an issue complying with the terms (payment, providing the service, etc.).

#2: Once I get the contract, I ask you any clarifying questions that will help me create the best guide for your needs. 

#3: Then, I go through the contract and the questions you have. I create a document that goes through your contract section by section. I highlight the important language you need to pay attention to, I tell you what it means in plain language, and I give you tips on how to handle it.

If the contract needs to be edited, I tell you how to approach making those edits. I also identify strategies you can use in your negotiating process, including how to advocate for changes to your contract in a way that the other party will agree to and how to work around terms that are unfavorable to you that the other party refuses to change. 

Once I’m finished, I send you back your customized legal reference guide with all of that information clearly broken down by section and issue. You can then use my recommendations to negotiate and finalize your contract on terms that benefit you. 

Many of my customers use the guide without issue.

But if you need additional support, you’ll have an additional 7 days after I finish the guide to ask me questions about anything in the contract or whatever legal issue you’re navigating. 

After our work together is complete, you’ll now have a legal reference guide that you can use over and over again to negotiate your contracts. And of course, if you get a new to you contract that you need help with, send it on over and I’ll create a new customized guide for you. 

I offer this service at a flat rate to keep it affordable.

It’s my way of honoring my belief that legal resources need to be more accessible to the masses. 

So if you want to stop running in the opposite direction whenever something legal pops up in your business, give my service a try. 

I’m confident that I can help you build a foundation of legal knowledge so you can feel more comfortable managing the legal side of your business. 


How to Cope with Stress from Legal Issues


Here’s Why it’s so Hard to Understand Legalese