Why I Started The Everyday Lawyer Solidarity Fund
Legal Tips Brionna Ned Legal Tips Brionna Ned

Why I Started The Everyday Lawyer Solidarity Fund

I’m just a person who happened to stumble into a monumental problem: too many people don’t have access to the legal knowledge that need to make informed and empowered decisions about their work. The Solidarity Fund allows be to be in a reciprocal relationship with the community that I serve.

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A Freelancer’s Right to Choose
Legal Tips Brionna Ned Legal Tips Brionna Ned

A Freelancer’s Right to Choose

I’ve been thinking about how it feels like there are no choices when it comes to the law. Especially when it comes to the law and your business. There are things you just “have” to do and things you “should” do that don’t really feel like a choice. They just feel like a requirement and sound like dogma. There’s this rule you need to follow and that rule you need to abide by if you want to do things right. If you want to do this business thing right and stay out of trouble. But here’s the truth: when it comes to the law, you have the right to choose.

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Understanding Legalese: Why a Common Law Trademark Might be Enough
Legal Tips Brionna Ned Legal Tips Brionna Ned

Understanding Legalese: Why a Common Law Trademark Might be Enough

All we ever hear about is why it’s important to register your trademark with the federal trademark office to protect your brand. And that may be true for some businesses, but it’s not necessarily true for all businesses, especially the mom-and-pop shops, the freelancers, and other small businesses that have no plans to build a national or international brand, but are instead excited about serving their local communities or existing in their own little corner of the internet.

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